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Chapter 7: The raison d’être behind promotion

Leaving an impact on the mind of people is the primary role of running an advertising campaign (Walter Dill Scott). Scott was also of the opinion that no human being is immune to the power of suggestion. He reasoned that rather than thought people acted on basis of suggestions and this is why ingenuity, repetition; association value and intensity are important concepts to apply in any promotion.

Because promotional products fulfill these four elements and are also suggestive, consumers are more likely to visit your business more often and earlier than when they do not receive promotional products.5 This positive aspect of promotional products is further backed up by the fact that people now-a-days live a very hectic life and they don’t have the time to stop and read adverts most of the time but when you think about it promotional products are there to remind them of your business all the time. Therefore because of the busy lives, it is most likely that when the need of a product or service arises people will act on instinct. Consequently, they are more likely to give a few minutes to your sales letter and throw it away in the bin; but something is sure that they will keep the calendar, mug, keychain or whatever other promotional product you have provided them with together with your promotional sales letter. Bottom line is the fact that once potential customers as well as current customers keep the promotional items they are also keeping at hand the contact information about your business. As we have seen the statistics of people who keep promotional products for over a year is quite good and these promotional items holders have a higher probability of actually turning to your business, especially if in your sales letter you have offered something that is interesting to them.

However, because at the end of the day a business is about figures, you cannot take for granted the percentage of people (around 45%) who either does not get to read your contact information or does not like to keep promotional items. So what do you do in order to make the most of your marketing campaign? You keep reminding them and sequential mailing since as it will be explained this will play a very important role to make up for this loophole in your marketing campaign.

As will be discussed, there are many more marketing fillers that you can recur to in order to ensure that your campaign is an all encompassing one that does not leave any page unturned.